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Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Hi from Dr Surabhi Jain's Nutriwell.

I am a Dental Graduate with MBA degree in the field of Health Care Science and PGDPHN (Post Graduate Diploma in Public Health Nutrition) . Presently I am associated with Metro Hospital, Lucknow as Senior Consultant, Clinical and Public Health Nutrition.I worked in the field of maternal and Child Health Nutrition with international organizations like FHI  (Family Health International ), MOHFW and Non-profit sector .I felt a need of Professionally managed Nutritional Consultancies in India.

Nutri Well is a belief, a faith, a conviction and most of all an intense element of trust of mine that has its roots from the branches of Naturopathy and Nutritional science. Nutrition is the one aspect that is both the cause and remedy of serious
illnesses.We believe in the same notion and it is our sincere aim to study the people, understand their ailments and then chalk out a proper diet that would stimulate his or her body’s immune mechanism to fight the disease.

At Nutriwell we deal with every Nutrition related aspect of our life.Nutrition is a vitally important part of people’s lifestyle, and can affect our health. We have the most qualified manpower for services.
Our clients include Individual patients in need of Medical Nutritional therapy, Firms, Hospitals, Corporates, NGO, international organization, Event Organizers and many more.

We also specialize in Medical surveys and research.The survey results are used to develop, monitor and improve health and nutrition policies and services, both nationally and locally.We provide highly qualified manpower for needs.

Our other services includes Seminars, Lectures, Menu planning, Cafeteria Audits, health Camps, Preventive Health Check-ups, Nutrition Workshops. We also conduct Nutrition Awareness Programs for Hospitals, NGOs, Companies, Schools, Colleges, and Clubs etc.
Kindly contact us for further details. We will customize the information to suit your needs!

 Dr Surabhi Jain
Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. :

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

What is PCOS

I get a lot of clients of PCOS. so thought to discuss this in detail.
Women with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), are researched to be at a greater risk for heart diseases, obesity, diabetes and infertility. Among other factors, an optimum diet may serve as an essential treatment tool for effective management of PCOS and its related complications. This diet and PCOS relation gets emphasis because of the role diet can play in combating the insulin resistance, which happens among PCOS sufferers. The article is an attempt to highlight the role of diet in PCOS and also to provide certain practical guidelines for proper meal planning.Contact dietician in lucknow for details

Insulin is a hormone which is produced in the pancreas with the primary function of converting the foods (especially carbohydrates) in to the energy. It helps in the transport of glucose to our muscles, fat and liver cells through blood stream.Contact dietician in lucknow for detailsHowever, during PCOS, this function tends to get impaired, due to which the process of getting the glucose out of the blood into the cells gets affected. The result is that the body secretes more and more of insulin to get this excess glucose out of the blood and in turn creates havoc with the hormonal levels, ability to lose weight, LDL and triglycerides levels. Hence, the best way to treat PCOS and its symptoms would be to correct the underlying insulin resistance problem with diet, exercise and if needed, weight loss. Contact dietician in lucknow for details

Studies have shown that losing only 5-10% of body weight can lead to substantial improvement in your skin health, menstrual cycle irregularity, response to insulin and even fertility issues. A typical low fat and high carb is not going to work for such patients as carbohydrates, especially the refined ones, will quickly get converted in to glucose and cause elevated blood glucose levels, which in turn will increase the insulin production and its related problems.
Contact dietician in lucknow for details

The key to success for PCOS diet is a low glycemic index diet, which maintain a steady blood glucose levels and also help to reduce weight.

So what do you eat?

Well, the non-obese women with PCOS problem who get regular periods may eat a balanced diet with approx. 50-55% of calories from complex carbohydrates( whole grains, fruits and vegetables) and 20-30% from lean proteins( egg whites, whole pulses and low fat dairy products). However, an obese patient with insulin resistance may need to lower the carb intake to 40% and replace the carbohydrates with healthy mono unsaturated fats like omega 3 fatty acids (flax seeds, olive oil and fish). The diet plan should be tailored as per individual requirement and degree of insulin resistance and the effectiveness of the diet plan may be determined by factors such as improvement in menstrual cycle regularity, weight loss or decreased insulin levels.
Contact dietician in lucknow for details.

A few dietary guidelines to combat PCOS
.Contact dietician in lucknow for details

1. Try to select lower glycemic index foods such as whole grains (jowar, bajra, whole wheat, green vegetables, etc) as they will cause a slower rise in blood sugar levels. For example, oat flakes or wheat daliah (10 gm fiber/1/2 cup) has a lower glycemic index than cornflakes (1 gm fiber/1/2 cup).Simply put, add fiber in your diet by selecting wheat breads over white breads, wheat rotis over rice or maida naans, fresh fruits over fruit juices.

2. Do cut down your carbohydrate levels so low that you induce ketosis. Try to space the carbohydrates evenly through the day and eat small and frequent meals rather than 3 large meals.

3. Restrict intake of those carbohydrates that trigger more hunger or cravings (i.e. refined sugar, sweets, candies or chocolates which triggers craving for some people). Choose dates or honey to meet your sugar cravings.

4. Suggested vitamin / mineral supplements: Taking calcium 1000 mg - 1500 mg (take two - three 500 mg pills a day as prescribed but be sure to space them out as you can only absorb 500 mg at a time). You may also add a multivitamin with minerals like folic acid, especially so, if you are trying to get pregnant.

5. Drink at least 8-10 glasses of water per day as a high fiber carbohydrate intake can cause dehydration.

6. For heart health, limit foods high in saturated and trans-fats (i.e., whole milk and products, butter, red meat, fried foods, rich desserts, etc.). Select mainly monounsaturated fats (i.e. olive oil, canola oil, nuts) and omega 3 fats -fatty fish (such as bangda, rohu, sardines, and surmai), flaxseed, and nuts as these fats are heart friendly.
Contact dietician in lucknow for details

Exercise on a regular basis to lose weight and improve insulin response. The above are just a few tips to guide you on a healthy path and to fight PCOS. An individualized diet strategy shall aid in lowering weight, decreasing the insulin resistance and also to improve your heart and over all health.
Contact dietician in lucknow for details

Dr Surabhi Jain 's Nutri well clinic

Dr Surabhi Jain
Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. : You can check the testimonials of old client at just dial.

Friday, November 30, 2012

How to Stop Emotional Eating

How to Stop Emotional Eating

The phrase “emotional eating” has definitely made itself known in pop culture, but it’s nothing to take lightly. It’s estimated that emotional eating is an issue for over two thirds of the people out there trying to lose weight.
Emotional eating is pretty easy to understand, but overcoming it is no easy task. Many of us have the tendency to eat poorly and eat more when we’re stressed out or upset, and that’s a deadly combination. We’ve all seen movies where eating a tub of ice cream seems to cure a breakup, or consuming an entire pizza helps one cope with loneliness.
While coping in this manner may not be the smartest idea, seriously troublesome emotional eating happens on a much more frequent basis. It’s the everyday, bag-of-chip emotional eating that can spell disaster for your health – and your fitness goals.
How to Stop Emotional Eating
The first step in stopping emotional eating is to become aware of it. Awareness is always key when it comes to changing any health behaviour, and it’s important to become aware of not only the behaviour but also how it impact your life.
Next time you feel sad, lonely, anxious, or even bored, stop for a moment and think about your gut reaction.
Do you find yourself thinking of food? Racing to the kitchen to grab a snack? If so, you’re probably an emotional eater.
Take a few minutes to reflect on your emotions, and on your tendency to go to food. Doing this over time will help you recognize those feelings more easily, perhaps before they even come up.
And that’s when it’s time to do something about the emotions. To successfully stop emotional eating, you need to come up with some other coping strategies. Here are some ideas:
  • Don’t keep any unhealthy foods or snacks in your house. This may sound difficult at first, but having some of your “bad foods” easily accessible means you’ll be more likely to lean on them.
  • Get outside and go for a walk or light run. This is one of the best coping responses at your disposal. When you’re stressed out or down in the dumps, a little exercise can be just what you need to feel better and overcome those cravings. It may feel like a wall you need to overcome, but don’t think about it, just put on your workout clothes and get out there.
  • Hang out with friends or family. Research has demonstrated that the best thing you can do to be happy is to be social. So next time you’re feeling low, interrupt your urge for emotional eating by hanging out with a friend or doing something that doesn’t isolate you from others. This is a great time for having a mug of hot tea to converse over, and with all the different flavours of tea out there now this can actually be a pretty cool experience
No matter what your fix, you need to start with awareness. Think before you act, and seriously consider why you’re engaging in emotional eating in the first place. Perhaps there’s something you haven’t resolved, or some larger underlying reason for this problem behaviour. Either way, it’s under your control!

Replace Emotional Eating with Healthy Eating
Another important step to dieting success is to really focus on healthy eating. This alone may help you stop your emotional eating.

Dr Surabhi Jain
Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. :  
You can check the testimonials of old client at just dial.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Thanks to all Our Clients. Nutriwell Coverage in Hindustan times

Our Coverage in Hindustan Times for Mind Slim program which uses Subconscious Mind conditioning for best results. Successful with even Clients who have failed weight loss battle  many times before.

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Weight Loss Myths

Even though we all know that the best way to stay healthy and physically fit is to eat well-rounded, nutritionally sound meals and exercise for at least 20 minutes a day, but we all look for short cuts. In an effort to clear the air and get back to solid basics, we decided to tackle the most prevalent weight loss "facts" out there and reveal them as the myths they are. See the Nutri Well's 9 biggest weight loss myths and facts now.
Myth or Fact: Myth

It's not when you eat, it's what (and how much) you eat. "If you are finding yourself bingeing at night, chances are you are not eating anywhere near enough good calories during the day,"
Myth or Fact: Myth 

You gain weight when you consume more calories than your body burns. And yet, not all calories are the same. It's really the good carb/bad carb distinction. "Bad carbohydrates (refined simple sugars) are rapidly digested and absorbed into the bloodstream," The fiber in good carbohydrates helps slow down the rate of digestion, controlling blood sugar levels, which results in a longer window of time during which the body can burn the calories from those good carbohydrates before the excess is stored as fat.
Myth or Fact: Fact 

A study conducted at Penn State University demonstrated that eating foods with a high water content increases one's sense of fullness. Interestingly, drinking water on its own has not been shown to have the same impact. Evidently, water is emptied out of your stomach more quickly than water incorporated into foods you eat, so it doesn't trigger any of the body cues that tell your brain you are full.

Myth or Fact: Myth 

You don't have to swear off red meat. Red meat, in moderation, is a great source of protein and iron. 


a gram of protein has four calories; a gram of carbohydrates also has four calories; but a gram of fat has nine calories. The difference in calories per gram is the reason why one food may have way more calories than an identical serving size of another. It's also the reason for the proliferation of low-fat and fat-free products. Limiting the number of grams of fat you consume each day makes it easier to stay in your caloric budget (and your skinny jeans).

Myth or Fact: Myth 

This was a gimme, right? Ephedra ring any bells? Just because you can buy something in a health food store doesn't mean it's healthy. Unless and until a product's claims have been evaluated by the FDA, you should be skeptical. And, in any event, it's worth consulting a physician before taking any drugs.

Myth or fact: Myth 

Blaming your grandparents for the yo-yo-ing you see on the scale isn't going to fly. "While our genetic heritage does play a role in our body composition," Simpson explains, "we can still have control … by leading an active lifestyle and eating well." And if you're pre-disposed to be skinny (lucky bee-och -- er -- duck?), you still ought to be eating right and exercising -- for your health.

Myth or fact: Myth 

There is zero correlation between perspiration and weight loss. The only thing sweat signifies is that the body is working to cool itself off. Everyone sweats differently. And, anyway, it is not clear that working out for a shorter period at a higher intensity is better than working out for a longer duration at a lower intensity. In terms of weight loss, what works best for your lifestyle and your schedule is what is going to work best -- because you'll stick with it. Your muscles will continue to burn calories after both aerobic and anaerobic exercise.

Myth or fact: Myth 

People who skip meals or eat erratically have a tendency to overeat to make up for the food they missed. And eating too few calories actually triggers your body to hold on to fat and burn fewer calories. "Hunger is a great indication that your metabolism is turned on," says Borden. "If your metabolism is turned on, you should feel hunger every three to four hours." Bottom line: Being hungry is a good sign, it means that your body's working the way it's supposed to, to burn off calories and keep running smoothly. On the other hand, starving yourself to the point where your body thinks it needs to conserve calories for the long haul is both unhealthy and works against your weight loss goal. So don't be afraid to eat when you're hungry -- just make wise choices.

Dr Surabhi Jain
Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. :  
You can check the testimonials of old client at just dial.

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Monday, September 17, 2012

Nutri Well : How to choose a Weight Loss Program

During any one year, more than half of all Americans go on a diet to lose weight. Its same in India or any other part of the world with high income group.At Nutri well we meet many people ,For many people, it is difficult to lose more than a few pounds, and few succeed in remaining at the reduced weight. The difficulty in losing weight and keeping it off leads many people to turn to a professional or commercial weight loss program for help. When considering joining a weight loss program, choose wisely.
Almost any of the commercial weight loss programs can work but only if they motivate you sufficiently to change the way you eat or increase the amount of calories you burn through physical activity each day (or both).
What Should I Look for In a Weight Loss Program?
Make sure it is safe. Whether you create your own weight loss program or use a commercial one, make sure it is safe. A safe diet should include all of the recommended daily allowances (RDAs) for vitamins, minerals, and protein. The diet should be lower in calories (energy) only, not in essential vitamins or minerals. In general, a diet containing 1,000 to 1,200 calories a day should be selected for most women; a diet between 1,200 calories per day and 1,600 calories per day should be chosen for men, however, speak with your doctor first.
Slow, steady weight loss. Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,The program should be directed toward slow, steady weight loss unless your doctor feels your health condition would benefit from more rapid weight loss. Expect to lose only about a pound a week after the first week or two. With many calorie-restricted diets, there is an initial rapid weight loss during the first one to two weeks, but this loss is largely fluid. The initial rapid loss of fluid also is regained rapidly when you return to a normal-calorie diet. Thus, a reasonable goal of weight loss should be expected.Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests , The rate of weight loss should be 1 pound to 2 pounds each week.
When inquiring about a commercial weight loss program, be sure you are provided with a detailed statement of fees and costs of additional items such as dietary supplements or foods. Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,Other important questions to ask of any potential weight loss program include:
·         Does the staff consist of qualified counselors and health professionals such as registered dietitians, doctors, and exercise physiologists?
·         Are food choices flexible and suitable?
·         Are weight loss goals set by the client and/or the health professional?
·         What percentage of people complete the program?
·         What is the average weight loss among people who finish the program and at one year?
·         What percentage of people have problems or side effects? What are they?
·         Is there a maintenance program to help keep the weight off once it's lost?
·         If you plan to lose more than 15 pounds to 20 pounds, have any health problems, or take medication on a regular basis, your doctor should evaluate you before you start a weight loss program. A doctor can assess your general health and medical conditions that might be affected by dieting and weight loss.
Also, a doctor should be able to recommend appropriate programs and help you come up with a sensible weight loss goal. Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,If you plan to use a very-low-calorie diet, you definitely should be examined and monitored by a doctor.
What Should I Look for in a Weight Loss Program?
Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,Your weight loss program should include plans for weight maintenance after the weight loss phase is over. It is of little benefit to lose a large amount of weight only to regain it.
Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,Weight maintenance is the most difficult part of controlling weight and is not consistently implemented in weight loss programs. The program you select should help you improve your dietary habits, increase your physical activity, and help you change other lifestyle habits that may have contributed to your weight gain in the past.
Dr Surabhi jain Nutri Well suggests ,Being overweight is too often viewed as a temporary problem that can be treated for a few months with a strenuous diet. However, as most overweight people know, weight control must be considered a lifelong effort. To be safe and effective, any weight loss program must address the long-term approach or else the program is largely a waste of money and effort.

Dr Surabhi Jain
Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. : drsiyajain@gmail.com

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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Nutri well: How to lose weight fast :

Nutri well: How to lose weight fast :
If you’re trying to drop a few pounds, don’t start off by trying to overhaul all your eating and exercise habits. At nutri well we believe You’re better off finding several simple things you can do on a daily basis — along with following the cardinal rules of eating more vegetables and less fat and getting more physical activity. Together, they should send the scale numbers in the right direction: down. Some simple changes that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well are
1. Once a week, indulge in a high-calorie-tasting, but low-calorie, treat. This should help keep you from feeling deprived and binging on higher-calorie foods.
2. Treat high-calorie foods as jewels in the crown. Make a spoonful of ice cream the jewel and a bowl of fruit the crown. Some simple change that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well is Cut down on the chips by pairing each bite with lots of chunky, filling fresh salsa.
3. After breakfast, make water your primary drink. Some simple change that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well is At breakfast, go ahead and drink orange juice.
4. Carry a palm-size notebook everywhere you go for one week. Write down every single morsel that enters your lips — even water. Studies have found that people who maintain food diaries wind up eating about 15 percent less food than those who don’t.
5. Buy a pedometer, clip it to your belt, and aim for an extra 1,000 steps a day. On average, sedentary people take only 2,000 to 3,000 steps a day. Adding 2,000 steps will help you maintain your current weight and stop gaining weight; adding more than that will help you lose weight.
6. Add 10 percent to the amount of daily calories you think you’re eating, and then adjust your eating habits accordingly. If you think you’re consuming 1,700 calories a day and don’t understand why you’re not losing weight, add another 170 calories to your guesstimate. Chances are, the new number is more accurate.
7. Eat five or six small meals or snacks a day instead of three large meals. A 1999 South African study found that when men ate parts of their morning meal at intervals over five hours, they consumed almost 30 percent fewer calories at lunch than when they ate a single breakfast. Some simple change that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well is that even if you eat the same number of calories distributed this way, your body releases less insulin, which keeps blood sugar steady and helps control hunger.
8. Walk for 45 minutes a day. The reason Nutriwell  suggesting 45 minutes instead of the typical 30 is that a Duke University study found that while 30 minutes of daily walking is enough to prevent weight gain in most relatively sedentary people, exercise beyond 30 minutes results in weight and fat loss. Some simple change that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well is Burning an additional 300 calories a day with three miles of brisk walking (45 minutes should do it) could help you lose 30 pounds in a year without even changing how much you’re eating.
9. Find an online weight-loss buddy. A University of Vermont study found that online weight-loss buddies help you keep the weight off. The researchers followed volunteers for 18 months. Those assigned to an Internet-based weight maintenance program sustained their weight loss better than those who met face-to-face in a support group.
10. Bring the color blue into your life more often. There’s a good reason you won’t see many fast-food restaurants decorated in blue: Believe it or not, the color blue functions as an appetite suppressant. Some simple change that we suggest at Dr Surabhi jain’s Nutri Well is serve up dinner on blue plates, dress in blue while you eat, and cover your table with a blue tablecloth. Conversely, avoid red, yellow, and orange in your dining areas. Studies find they encourage eating.
11. Clean your closet of the “fat” clothes. Once you’ve reached your target weight, throw out or give away every piece of clothing that doesn’t fit. The idea of having to buy a whole new wardrobe if you gain the weight back will serve as a strong incentive to maintain your new figure.
12. Downsize your dinner plates. Studies find that the less food put in front of you, the less food you’ll eat. Conversely, the more food in front of you, the more you’ll eat — regardless of how hungry you are. So instead of using regular dinner plates that range these days from 10-14 inches (making them look forlornly empty if they’re not heaped with food), serve your main course on salad plates (about 7-9 inches wide). The same goes for liquids. Instead of 16-ounce glasses and oversized coffee mugs, return to the old days of 8-ounce glasses and 6-ounce coffee cups.

Dr Surabhi Jain

Consultant Clinical and Public health Nutrition, Metro Hospital
Nutri Well Clinic
Phone: 9451940465, 9648888820
mail i.d. :